Argyll Holiday Homes hands over home to Charity Children in Poverty Inverclyde
Argyll Holiday Homes hands over home to Charity Children in Poverty Inverclyde. Fiona Kelly from Argyll Homes, Pat Burke,Seumus Lamb, Joe McAllister from the charity, Provost Moran and Sean McGowan from Morrisons with invited guests at the opening ceremony on 30 March.
Cutting of the ribbon to the new holiday home
Children in Poverty Inverclyde founder Pat Burke, Morrison's Greenock store manager Sean McGowan and Argyll Holidays Hunters Quay Holiday Village general manager David Dain cut the ribbon to the new holiday home.
Tough Mudder Challange for Charity
Louise Murphy (LMFitness) is putting a great deal of her own time into helping reduce poverty in Inverclyde.
Morrisons Greenock General Manager Sean McGowan presents a magnificent donation cheque of £35000
Morrisons Greenock General Manager Sean McGowan presents a magnificent donation cheque of £35000 from the Morrisons Foundation that shall fund the purchase of a holiday home at Hunters Quay Holiday Village.
Rotary Club of Gourock President Robert Wilson presents a donation cheque £500
The Rotary Club of Gourock President Robert Wilson presents a donation cheque £500 to Trustee James Lamb, the proceeds from the Rotary Hark in the Park event. 2 September 2015
Tesco Port Glasgow staff handing over wonderful collection of toys
Glenbrae Nursery staff show their delight at toys donation for 20 children
Glenbrae Nursery staff show their delight at toys donation for 20 children. In total, 70 children across Inverclyde Nurseries & Womens Aid Greenock received toys donations. 16 December 2015
Old Gourock and Ashton Church Minister David Burt with Diane Gillan
Old Gourock and Ashton Church Minister David Burt with Diane Gillan and children from Messy Church donate their wonderful toys collection. 13 December 2015
Local nursery children show their appreciation to the Morrisons Foundation
Local nursery children show their appreciation to the Morrisons Foundation for their magnificent donation of £35000 to purchase our own holiday home. 11 December 2015
Thomas Molloy and his team at Gourock Athletic FC hand over large collection of toys
Manager Thomas Molloy and his team at Gourock Athletic FC hand over large collection of toys for distribution. 10 December 2015
120 children from local nurseries were our guests at Santa's Grotto & Carnival at Cardwell Nurseries
120 children from local nurseries were our guests at Santa's Grotto & Carnival at Cardwell Nurseries and had a wonderful time meeting Santa and on fun rides. All received a present and we thank Cardwell Nurseries for arranging goodie bags. 4 December 2015
Trustee James Lamb receives a cheque for £551
Greenock Golf Club and their contributions to local charities
A real pleasure to attend Greenock Golf Club on Saturday evening to accept a cheque for £1500 that members & guests raised from the Club's 37th Tri-Am event.
‘Good afternoon, Charlie our family support worker visited the families over at Hunters Quay Holiday Village yesterday. He reported to me that the families were having a fantastic time with the children really enjoying the swimming pools and soft play centre with various activities.